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Culture with Ivry
Research and Culture Editor:

Hello my name is Ivry Thomas and I am ¼ of the Cultural enlighten magazine that is UnderTone. My positions in the magazine and blog are Research Editor, as well as the wonderful Culture Advisor. “Without culture, and the relative freedom it implies, society, even when perfect, is but a jungle. This is why any authentic creation is a gift to the future. “- Albert Camus That is just what our magazine and blog represents, going underneath the surface of what culture is portrayed to be and pulls and exposing the captivating form of culture.
Culture section of the blog allows individuals to gains a better understanding and enlightenment for those people who embrace cultures other than their own. This section of the blog is for the thrill seekers and adventurers who love to take chances with any aspect of culture. Those aspects being finding the latest food dishes in India to most eco-friendly way to create a body wrap in Brazil. Through this section there will be advices columns to how-to-do tutorials to help you figure the newest and most efficient tactics in culture.
I felt essentially drawn to culture because I have always tried to embrace it growing up, being half Panamanian and Black is kind of like two worlds colluding. Though both are of African descent, the two have completely different culture sets totally. With culture I always tried learn about why do females in Saudi Arabia keep their hair and face wrap, or how do Keya Natives generate certain tribal dances. I would always try to like at ads or commercials from different countries and compare and contrast. I would compare and contrast, well why do the ads in American for Revlon are completely different from the ones in Russia. (Restriction) Or how some countries place a completely different twisted on food aspects and their delicacies. “ Culture is the blood that’s streams through the vessels of our veins.” – Ivry Thomas

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2 Responses to " "

  1. Brianca Foster Says:
  2. I like how the culture section is set up. I really like how is shows the different styles in the culture. Makes me want to learn more about the different culture that's around the world.
  3. hardcandy Says:
  4. I found the the information on the different cultures very interesting. I really like the information about the eco-friendly body wrap in Brazil!

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