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Dani's Movie Spot
Art Director and Movie Editor:
Hello my name is Danielle Norris; I am the section editor for Movies for the magazine Undertone. This section is for bloggers who really enjoy movies no matter if their comedies, horror, action, thriller, romantic, and even gets into independent films otherwise known as indie films. This sections blog will be about some of the newest movies out and get really into the indie films, it will even include older movie topics. The blogs will also include favorite actors and actresses of today and the past. It will also include discussions on the Sundance Film Festival. Other discussions will include the greatest films and movies ever. We will also be blogging about the Academy Awards and the winners and losers. This section is for movie lovers everywhere who like to blog about their ideas about the movies and who’s, what’s, when’s, where’s, whys, and how’s of the movies.
My experience in this topic is what I know and what I love about movies. I love most movies and I love everything about them. It takes so much time and effort just to make a movie and get the right actors for the role, get the right light setting, get the right background, everything about it makes me smile and makes me want more and make me want to know more. Movies are visual and I am a visual person and I really enjoy the history of films and how they came about which is why I love watching really old black and white movies such as “The Kid” with Charlie Chaplin. The history about the first theaters is that were originally called Nickelodeons. Since then movies have come so far, and growing up watching old movies with my mom who loves movies like “Gone with the Wind” with Clark Gable and Vivien Leigh. Her favorite movies were usually ones with Cary Grant in it though like “To Catch a Thief” who also starred Princess Grace Kelly. My experience, knowledge, and love for movies made me want to be the section leader for this topic.

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Melistic Fashion

Product Manager and Fashion Editor:

Undertone Magazine will explore fashion in countries all around the world. From the streets to the boutiques, cultures will appreciate the individuality and diversity that is expressed in the fashion industry.
Fashion is not limited to anyone. It is accepted by all. Regardless of the Geographic’s, fashion identities somehow link and create an eclectic style that is shared by millions around the universe.
Expanding the horizon of fashion is what Undertone will bestow on individuals in society. Being in the know of the latest trends in Paris, New York, and even Africa will be greatly appreciated by those who love to explore different areas of the world when it comes to fashion.
As a fashion student at The Art Institute of Charlotte, I have gained knowledge through the pursuit of my degree and experience in the fashion industry in the areas of visual merchandising, styling, and retail experience. This has allowed me to pursue a career in fashion styling that enables me to use my creativity and expand my own horizon, and explore fashion in various areas around the world. As a fashionista, once must realize that fashion exudes in fields and forests around the globe. Fashion is not only seen in apparel alone, but is also expressed in the heart of music, cosmetics, technology, and movies. All of these elements contribute to the lifestyle and culture of individuals everywhere.
As you explore Undertone, remember that fashion is the ability to communicate in a visual manner what is relevant to the overall lifestyle and behavior one may want to portray. It is the idea of expressing oneself in a way that distinguishes an individual from others in cities around the world. Undertone Magazine will exemplify these characteristics, by digging into the souls and depth of culture of those around the globe.
Want to learn more about Fashion? Check me out at

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Culture with Ivry
Research and Culture Editor:

Hello my name is Ivry Thomas and I am ¼ of the Cultural enlighten magazine that is UnderTone. My positions in the magazine and blog are Research Editor, as well as the wonderful Culture Advisor. “Without culture, and the relative freedom it implies, society, even when perfect, is but a jungle. This is why any authentic creation is a gift to the future. “- Albert Camus That is just what our magazine and blog represents, going underneath the surface of what culture is portrayed to be and pulls and exposing the captivating form of culture.
Culture section of the blog allows individuals to gains a better understanding and enlightenment for those people who embrace cultures other than their own. This section of the blog is for the thrill seekers and adventurers who love to take chances with any aspect of culture. Those aspects being finding the latest food dishes in India to most eco-friendly way to create a body wrap in Brazil. Through this section there will be advices columns to how-to-do tutorials to help you figure the newest and most efficient tactics in culture.
I felt essentially drawn to culture because I have always tried to embrace it growing up, being half Panamanian and Black is kind of like two worlds colluding. Though both are of African descent, the two have completely different culture sets totally. With culture I always tried learn about why do females in Saudi Arabia keep their hair and face wrap, or how do Keya Natives generate certain tribal dances. I would always try to like at ads or commercials from different countries and compare and contrast. I would compare and contrast, well why do the ads in American for Revlon are completely different from the ones in Russia. (Restriction) Or how some countries place a completely different twisted on food aspects and their delicacies. “ Culture is the blood that’s streams through the vessels of our veins.” – Ivry Thomas

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NENA's NEW NEW ISH........
Advertising and Music Editor:

Music is a quintessential aspect of culture. Just like fashion and literature it reflects the current happenings of society. This is the main reason I love music and the culture that comes along with it. Don’t we all love music. SO… it is my stated mission to bring to you…. the readers…. the latest and greatest in music. Whether it’s a new indie band from the cultured southern streets of Charlotte, or a trance single from the techno scene in Switzerland, or the dope new mixtape from Jezzy −I m bringing it to your attention. SO you can’t say you didn’t hear it from me. Join me as we find and listen to the hot new ish……

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Bethany's Technology

Copy and Technology Editor:

Welcome to the Technology section of this amazing blog for the new and hottest upcoming magazine, Undertone. My name is Bethany Boone and I will be giving you the latest skinny on the newest technology with steps to help you process how to work it for all of you who aren’t tech wizards. This magazine are for you who like me, love the latest music, want the Ipad, and update your Twitter account a little too often. There will be tutorials showing you how to work certain items. There will be previews of new technology. I will make sure to heavily involve my opinion on what is in and out in the world of technology because some things just have to go (cough, Dell computers, cough). You are probably trying to read this article, while surfing the web, listening to Pandora, all on your Iphone, Blackberry, or Mac. If you’re obsessed with Apple products like me, you can be sure to find the latest on what’s coming up with them as well as other things such as Four Square and networking sites. I have a passion for photography as you can see on and being able to stay up with the latest technology in that is so important. Usually the better the product, the more it costs. But just because you have a good camera does not mean you are a good photographer. It’s all about tying in your creative knot to what you love to do and what you love to enjoy. You never know where this road will lead or what this blog will tell and that’s what makes it fun to follow. Be sure to become a fan of Undertone on Facebook and invite your friends to read along. It’s going to be a fun 8 weeks! See you soon. XOXO.

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